Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Meet the Crew: Fred

What can I say about Fred. Fred is awesome. Fred is amazing. Fred is LOVED by everybody on the team. And in spite of all of that, Fred is humble. One of the sweetest guys you’ll ever meet and a hard worker who always puts Jesus first and has a true servant’s heart.

How many years have you gone to the Rez with us?

This will be my 2nd year.

What is something specific people can be praying for you about?

That I would be obedient to God, to be tender to the Holy Spirit, step up when I should, step back when I need to and the wisdom to know the difference.

What is the thing about the trip that has changed you and makes you want to go back?

I think about the children at Pine Ridge all the time, especially when I see the children at church or my grandchildren and I've grown closer to my brothers and sisters in Christ that I traveled to Pine Ridge with.
What makes me want to go back?
If I can encourage or help one person to know Christ and change their life, that would be awesome.