Bev is one of those people who strives to do her best at whatever task she is at. She is a hard worker who always seeks to give Jesus her best.
How many years have you gone to the Rez with us?
I have been four times.
What is something specific people can pray for you about?
That I will be prepared and sensitive to the Holy Spirit each day that I am there and will follow His leading.
What is it about the trips that has changed you and makes you want to go back?
I love the Native people and to see them living in the conditions that they are today breaks my heart.
*Bev did not give me her answers in writing. There was much more to what she said but I do not want to misrepresent her by misinterpreting her words. I'm sure she will gladly share with you if you ask her. My memory is just not good enough to remember what she said word for word.