Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Introducing Ann


Q.  What are some of your interests, gifts, hobbies, outside of missions?
I like to travel, read, paint, and spend time with my family especially grandchildren. I believe my gift is teaching.

Q.  What kind of work do you do (or did you do if you are retired)?
I was an elementary teacher and taught first and second grade.

Q.  Have you been to the Pine Ridge Reservation before? If so, how many years?

Q.  Have you been involved with other mission trips before? If so, where have you gone?

Q.  Why are you interested in Pine Ridge as an outreach?
When I read about Pine Ridge and saw some of the statistics I couldn't believe that this was a place in the United States. My heart was touched by all I read.

Q.  What is the thing you are most looking forward to about this trip?
Being with the children and sharing about Christ with them.

Q.  How can people best pray for you as you prepare for this trip?
That I will be spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally ready for whatever happens.

Anything else you would like for us to know about you.
   I am very excited about the trip and meeting all of you and the people at Pine Ridge. We were in this area last September on vacation and did all the tourist stuff. I saw Pine Ridge on the map but never thought I would be coming
back on a mission trip.