Q. What are some of your interests, gifts, hobbies, outside of missions?
Where to begin ... I enjoy family get togethers and my dogs. My twin grandsons are some of my favorite people to hang out with because they have such a fresh, and unique view of the world. A favorite thing for me to do is to sit by a fireplace and read or crochet. I like to kayak. I've had a lot of fun going skydiving and would do it every week if it weren't so expensive. I'm interested in family history and I like going to the shooting range to practice shooting. I like gardening - most of the time. I am a ever-starting over runner - I love it but it doesn't love me so much.
Q. What kind of work do you do (or did you do if you are retired)?
I have been a stay at home mom while my kids were growing up. I've done all kinds of odd jobs - everything from driving a bread truck to working in a day care center. I've done retail work and made the always famous Cinnabons. Now I do volunteer work for the most part.
Q. Have you been to the Pine Ridge Reservation before? If so, how many years?
This will be my 11th year going to the Rez and my 10th year leading a crew.
Q. Have you been involved with other mission trips before? If so, where have you gone?
I have gone to Romania not long after the Revolution that freed Romania from Communism. Roy and Scott were also on that trip and were a joy to work with. I have also been to Haiti.
Q. Why are you interested in Pine Ridge as an outreach?
There are a lot of reasons. I first was interested in it because it was more accessible for people in our church who were not able to go to another country but still wanted to go and do something of service. Once I got to know the Lakota people ... well, I have such an enormous respect for them and the challenges they have bravely faced and love their sense of humor that now I can't imagine not going back.
Q. What is the thing you are most looking forward to about this trip?
Oh several things. It is always amazing ... no, really it is amazing to watch God at work. Things always come together in ways that you couldn't plan or predict and you just know it was a God thing. It grows your faith. And then there are the kids. There's just nothing like them. You never know what to expect from them but they are always incredible. Sometimes they challenge you, sometimes they make you laugh, and sometimes they make you cry. They are always unforgettable.
Q. How can people best pray for you as you prepare for this trip?
Pray that I am sensitive to God's leading. Pray that I stay healthy.