Saturday, March 30, 2013

Introducing Rose

(No picture available)

Q.  What are some of your interests, gifts, hobbies, outside of missions?
Reading, Piano, Sewing and Travel

Q.  What kind of work do you do (or did you do if you are retired)?
Worked at a Bank, Was a secretary at an elementary school for 18 years

Q.  Have you been to the Pine Ridge Reservation before? If so, how many years?

Q.  Have you been involved with other mission trips before? If so, where have you gone?

Q.  Why are you interested in Pine Ridge as an outreach?
I have always wanted to go on a mission trip and this is my first opportunity

Q.  What is the thing you are most looking forward to about this trip?
          Doing something helpfut for others

Q. How can people best pray for you as you prepare for this trip?
Help me to have courage and good health

Friday, March 29, 2013

Introducing Carrie


Q. What are some of your interests, gifts, hobbies, outside of missions?

      Spending time with my family and friends are number 1 on my list. I have a six year old           Niece  and 2 nephews age 5 and age 4. They fill my heart with love and joy. I also enjoy traveling the world. I have been so blessed to have visited some beautiful and amazing places. I am a huge Olympic follower and have to say standing on the grounds in Greece where it all began has to be one of my favorite highlights.

Q. What kind of work do you do (or did you do if you are retired)?
             I have worked at Carthage Mills for the last 14 years.I started out as the receptionist and 
            after 5 years moved up to the Customer Service Department. I enjoy what I do.
Q. Have you been to the Pine Ridge Reservation before? If so, how many years?
          Yes, last year was my first trip.
Q. Have you been involved with other mission trips before? If so, where have you gone?
         No, But I hope to someday.

Q. Why are you interested in Pine Ridge as an outreach?
 My best friend Angie Coffey came back from her trip to Pine Ridge back in 2011 with the most  amazing stories, pictures and memories. I knew this was something I must do and see for myself.I am so happy to be going back this year.I can’t wait to see those beautiful little faces and smiles.I knew before I left there last year that I would be going again this year. I have spent the last 8 months spreading the word about the Lakota people to anyone who will listen. Backpacks for Pine Ridge is something I am proud to be part of.


Q. How can people best pray for you as you prepare for this trip?

Pray for good health and strength and safe travels for me and my team

What is something else you would like for us to know about you? 

I try to live my life to the fullest.I hope to continue to always make my friends and family proud.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Introducing Bailey


Q.  What are some of your interests, gifts, hobbies, outside of missions?
I really enjoy reading. My favorite types of books are mysteries, romance, suspense, and thrillers. However, I do enjoy biographies and historical fiction as well. I am also currently reading some fantasy titles. I enjoy running. I like that it helps me stay fit but I really run just for me. Its a time that I can be alone and work through any issues going on in my life, it helps clear my head.

Q.  What kind of work do you do (or did you do if you are retired)?
I am a teacher. I am still looking for a full time classroom job but have spent the last 3 years working at Northwest Local Schools as a Title I teacher. I pull small groups of children to help improve their reading and math skills.

Q.  Have you been to the Pine Ridge Reservation before? If so, how many years?
This will be my fourth trip to Pine Ridge.

Q.  Have you been involved with other mission trips before? If so, where have you gone?
This is the only mission I have been on, and this trip actually helped bring me back to church.

Q.  Why are you interested in Pine Ridge as an outreach?
I am a firm believer that the best way to change the future for any culture is to reach out to the children and educate them. This mission does both of those things. We show the Lakota children that people outside of their village do love and care about them. We also help give them the tools to get an education. In my heart, I know that with those two tools, education and love, they can do anything.

Q.  What is the thing you are most looking forward to about this trip?
I am excited to see how the kids have grown and changed. It always amazes me how much they mature over the course of one year.

Q.  How can people best pray for you as you prepare for this trip?
Please pray that I have found a full time job, prior to the trip so I can put my full focus on the children out there and not be worried about missing interview opportunities. Also pray that the team can come together and work as a unified force to show the children our love and God's love.

Introducing Linda

Q.  What are some of your interest, gifts, hobbies, outside of missions?
              My interest is bird watching and nature walks.  My gift is the gift of song. I love to sing
             I’m  no Amy Grant but I am what the Lord made me for his honor and glory. So that’s good   
             enough for me. My hobbies is trash to treasure so they call it. I love to take old stuff and  
             make them new.

Q.  What kind of work do you do?
 I have the best job in the world. I babysit for two of my five grandchildren. Can’t get any better than that.

Q.  Have you been to the Pine Ridge Reservation before?
Last year was my first mission trip to Pine Ridge. My husband had been two years before me.

Q.  Have you been involved with other mission trips before?
I’ve never been on a mission trip before but always felt the desire and tug at my heart to someday go on one
Q.  Why are you interested in Pine Ridge as an outreach?
This question is easy. I have heard so much about the trip from my husband and others that have went and saw the compassion they have for the kids and people of Pine Ridge. I always felt like I was there with them. I was in prayer and in spirit. Now I know why Pine Ridge is so important to the crew. The kids are such a blessing and so are the leaders of the mission there.

Q.  What is the thing you are most looking forward to about this trip?
 Seeing the kids again for one. I missed them so much after we got back home. I’m constantly wondering what they are doing. I’m also looking forward to having another church join us this year. It’s going to be such a blessing to share this experience with them.

Q.  How can people best pray for you as you prepare for this trip?
I feel the best prayer that could ever go up to the father for me and the crew is that we are spiritually ready. I know if we are prayed up and studied up that the Lord will take care of the rest. So all I ask is pray for guidance to withstand any adversaries that we might face.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Introducing Ann


Q.  What are some of your interests, gifts, hobbies, outside of missions?
I like to travel, read, paint, and spend time with my family especially grandchildren. I believe my gift is teaching.

Q.  What kind of work do you do (or did you do if you are retired)?
I was an elementary teacher and taught first and second grade.

Q.  Have you been to the Pine Ridge Reservation before? If so, how many years?

Q.  Have you been involved with other mission trips before? If so, where have you gone?

Q.  Why are you interested in Pine Ridge as an outreach?
When I read about Pine Ridge and saw some of the statistics I couldn't believe that this was a place in the United States. My heart was touched by all I read.

Q.  What is the thing you are most looking forward to about this trip?
Being with the children and sharing about Christ with them.

Q.  How can people best pray for you as you prepare for this trip?
That I will be spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally ready for whatever happens.

Anything else you would like for us to know about you.
   I am very excited about the trip and meeting all of you and the people at Pine Ridge. We were in this area last September on vacation and did all the tourist stuff. I saw Pine Ridge on the map but never thought I would be coming
back on a mission trip.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Introducing Clayton

Sorry, no picture is available 

Q.  What are some of your interests, gifts, hobbies, outside of missions?
Ministry, Hunting, Fishing, Outdoor activities.

Q.  What kind of work do you do (or did you do if you are retired)?
Pastor, Area Administrator, General handyman

Q.  Have you been to the Pine Ridge Reservation before? If so, how many years?
         Three Years ago.

Q.  Have you been involved with other mission trips before?  If so, where have you gone?
Mexico, (twice) Guatemala, El Salvador, Equador

Q.  Why are you interested in Pine Ridge as an outreach?
Always had a heart for the American Indians.

Q..What is the thing you are most looking forward to about this trip?
Getting better acquainted with life on a reservation.

Q.  How can people best pray for you as you prepare for this trip?
That somehow I can make an impact on those we will be working with that will glorify God.

Anything else you would like for us to know about you.
Due to my hearing disability I perhaps can be most useful on some work detail, but I am willing to serve wherever I am needed most.

Introducing Scott

Q.  What are some of your interests, gifts, hobbies, outside of missions?
Teach, Preach, Spend time with Lisa (wife).  Like to play and watch football, basketball, baseball, etc
Q. What kind of work do you do (or did you do if you are retired)?
I pastor now full-time.  I used to be in ministry bi-vocationally along with doing Sales (HAVAC, Insurance), Management (Restaurant, Warehouse).
Q. Have you been to the Pine Ridge Reservation before? If so, how many years?
Q. Have you been involved with other mission trips before?  If so, where have you gone?
Yes, Costa Rica '91, Romania '93, Philippines '99
Q.  Why are you interested in Pine Ridge as an outreach?
The main reason I am interested in Pine Ridge as an outreach at this time is for our church (Grape Chapel Church of God) to be "hands on" in a mission trip/project.  I want to be an inspiration to the Lakota Sioux people. 
Q. What is the thing you are most looking forward to about this trip?
         1. Building relationships with the Lakota Sioux people of Pine Ridge.
         2. Spread the Love and Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Q.  How can people best pray for you as you prepare for this trip?
Pray for Souls to be saved and lives to be changed because of the seeds of love being planted.  Pray for favor with the people and God's will be done.  Pray for safety traveling, working and ministering

Anything else you would like for us to know about you.
Personal Mission Statement - "Building the Kingdom of God; one soul at a time."

Introducing Ericka

Q.  What are some of your interests, gifts, hobbies, outside of missions?
I spend most of my free time with my family and friends. I have recently learned to ride a motorcycle and enjoy doing that with my dad. I spend a lot of time during the summer at the pool. I like being outdoors. I love trying new things and traveling. I have been skydiving and ziplinning and would do either activity anytime. I am always up for an adventure!

Q.  What kind of work do you do (or did you do if you are retired)?
I am an Intervention Specialist at an elementary school. I am also a receptionist at a hair salon part-time.  
Q.  Have you been to the Pine Ridge Reservation before? If so, how many years?
I have been on the trip before. This will be my 8th year going to Pine Ridge.

Q.  Have you been involved with other mission trips before? If so, where have you gone?
I have not been on any other mission trips. Some day, I hope to go on other trips but right now I feel very blessed and fortunate to be participating as a member of the Pine Ridge Mission Team.

Q.  Why are you interested in Pine Ridge as an outreach?
When I first signed up for the Pine Ridge Mission Trip, I felt that it was a good mission trip to start out with. I liked that it was in the United States. I also liked that we were going to be delivering backpacks to the children and promoting education along with hope for a better future. Amber had told me that the trip was mostly about forming relationships and a lot of the relationship building was with children. Since I truly value education and love working with children, it sounded like the perfect trip for me. After going on the trip the first year and seeing the relationships that other crew members had built, I knew I wanted to continue being a part of it. I return every year to continue building the relationships with the amazing children that I have met on the rez.
Q. What is the thing you are most looking forward to about this trip?
I am most looking forward to seeing the kids and spending time with them. I enjoy getting to know the crew and the experiences that we go through as a team.
Q.  How can people best pray for you as you prepare for this trip?
Pray that I listen and follow God's lead with confidence in situations that I am put in during the trip. There are always situations on the trip that put me outside of my comfort zone and challenge me. During those times, I hope that I know what to say and do to show God's love.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Introducing Amber (Team Leader)

Since we have two groups from two different states coming together for the 2013 trip, I thought a way we can "get to know" each other a little better is to post a short bio for each team member.  I'll go first, NOT because I think I'm more important, but because its simply easier - I don't have anyone else's info back yet.  Check back for other team member bios in the near future. 


Q.  What are some of your interests, gifts, hobbies, outside of missions?
Where to begin ... I enjoy family get togethers and my dogs.  My twin grandsons are some of my favorite people to hang out with because they have such a fresh, and unique view of the world.  A favorite thing for me to do is to sit by a fireplace and read or crochet.  I like to kayak.  I've had a lot of fun going skydiving and would do it every week if it weren't so expensive.  I'm interested in family history and I like going to the shooting range to practice shooting.  I like gardening - most of the time.  I am a ever-starting over runner - I love it but it doesn't love me so much.

Q.  What kind of work do you do (or did you do if you are retired)?
I have been a stay at home mom while my kids were growing up.  I've done all kinds of odd jobs - everything from driving a bread truck to working in a day care center.  I've done retail work and made the always famous Cinnabons.  Now I do volunteer work for the most part

Q.  Have you been to the Pine Ridge Reservation before? If so, how many years?
This will be my 11th year going to the Rez and my 10th year leading a crew. 

Q.  Have you been involved with other mission trips before? If so, where have you gone?
I have gone to Romania not long after the Revolution that freed Romania from Communism.  Roy and Scott were also on that trip and were a joy to work with.  I have also been to Haiti.

Q.  Why are you interested in Pine Ridge as an outreach?
There are a lot of reasons.  I first was interested in it because it was more accessible for people in our church who were not able to go to another country but still wanted to go and do something of service.  Once I got to know the Lakota people ... well, I have such an enormous respect for them and the challenges they have bravely faced and love their sense of humor that now I can't imagine not going back

Q.  What is the thing you are most looking forward to about this trip?
Oh several things.  It is always amazing ... no, really it is amazing to watch God at work.  Things always come together in ways that you couldn't plan or predict and you just know it was a God thing.  It grows your faith.  And then there are the kids.  There's just nothing like them.  You never know what to expect from them but they are always incredible.  Sometimes they challenge you, sometimes they make you laugh, and sometimes they make you cry.  They are always unforgettable.

Q.  How can people best pray for you as you prepare for this trip?
Pray that I am sensitive to God's leading.  Pray that I stay  healthy.


Friday, March 08, 2013

Being Spiritually Prepared

This can be a difficult topic to address because so many people in various degrees of spiritual maturity go on these trips.  There are however, some basic principles that we all can strive toward as we begin to prepare to go on a mission trip.  All of us are always striving in all of these areas but because of what we are facing, it is important to make sure we are doing all we can on our part. 

What are we facing?

Well, from the moment you signed up for the trip, you became a target.  Rest assured, the enemy of your soul does not want you to go on the trip and share the love of Jesus.   Yes, its true that bad things happen to people all the time anyway, and yes, the Bible says it "rains on the just and the unjust alike", but it is also true that those who are taking a more active role in sharing Jesus will be under attack.  You, as a team member, need to be prepared for that.  Both as we prepare to go and once we are there, you may come under spiritual attack.  How will you handle that?  Are you ready? 

We are also facing huge challenges.  There is the challenge of traveling to an unfamiliar culture and trying to be a representative of Jesus.  To this end, it is even perhaps a greater challenge with Native Americans because of the atrocities that have been carried out against them by those claiming to be doing God's work in the past.  Its a sad fact that many of the abuses against the Lakota were done by white Christian missionaries.  So, we have a tough job - showing them a more accurate picture of what Jesus is about.

We also have the challenge of dealing with the annoying habits of those on our own team.  After being in close quarters with people who have all different personalities for an extended period of time ... well .... patience can wear thin quickly sometimes.  And yet, we still need to respond in love to our teammates not only because its the right thing to do, but also because the people we are trying to reach out to are watching. 

We also need to be prepared to deal with whatever situation may come up while out there.  I tell the crew every year that ANYTHING can happen at ANY TIME.  You may be thinking that if something arises that you don't feel confident in dealing with that you'll go find someone who is, but that is not always an option.  You may find yourself in situation where the only option is for YOU to deal with it. 

And so ... you should be prepared. 

What can you do to prepare?

  1. Pray.  Pray for yourself, those on your team, for the missionaries out there, and for the Lakota people.  Pray for your family too - they will either be your biggest supporter or your toughest obstacle.  You were given a prayer partner that you can email, text, call, or meet with once a week to support each other in prayer.  Ask them how you can pray for them and let them know how they can pray for you. 
  2. Have a "working knowledge" of Scripture.  If memorization works for you, great, but I'm far more concerned with having Scripture become such a part of who you are that you live it out - not just memorize it.  Anyone can memorize scripture.  Living it out is much tougher.  That's what I call a "working knowledge" - so that when you encounter situations you have the working knowledge of God's word so ingrained in you that you will handle it in a God-pleasing way.  It may still scare you to death, but you'll do the right thing.
  3. Fast.  Find a way to fast that will work for you - if you are diabetic or have other health issues, don't do something to put your health at risk, but there are many ways you can fast.  Find a way to do it.  I may be different but I do not believe fasting changes God or changes God's mind about anything.  I don't believe God is the one who needs changing.  Rather, fasting changes US.  It helps us be more attentive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  Fasting was often used by those seeking God's direction in the Bible.  Fasting also helps us develop discipline.  And lastly, we have been asked by one of the Lakota people to "fast and pray" for his people. 

You were also given a Bible Study to use as you prepare to go on the trip.  The topics covered will help you prepare your heart and mind for the challenge ahead.  You may do that on your own, or with a partner or in small groups. 

And the result?

You will experience an adventure in faith that will leave you amazed!  Completely amazed!