Teresa has been one of those crew members who have been first to seize opportunities to serve. She has quietly gone about doing what needs to be done without the need for recognition. She has a servant’s heart and has exhibited responsibility and a willingness to help others whether they are the Lakota people or her own teammates. Teresa is expecting a grandchild to be born about the time we will be on the Rez. I know she wants to be here for that so we're hoping the baby will wait till we're back home.
How many years have you been going on to the Rez with us?
This will be my first year.
What is something specific people can pray for you about?
Pray for my lost family members
Why do you want to go on this trip?
I had God tugging at my heart and when He is speaking I am going my best to listen and serve Him the best way I can. I hope to be a blessing to the people of Pine Ridge because I know I will receive a blessing.