Friday, June 20, 2008

Meet the Crew: Debbie

About Debbie:
Debbie is an amazing lady. I’ve always known that but that characteristic became very clear the year we went to the Rez and on the first day there, Debbie got a call from her doctor telling her she had cancer. Rather than spend her time feeling sorry for herself as would be normal for most of us, she took a minute to cry with her hubby Tim and call her family and then got right to work. She is always a blessing on the trips and teaches us all how to make the best of a bad situation.

How many years have you gone to the Rez with us?

This will be my third time out.

What is something specific people can pray for you about?

Pray that when we are are there and difficult situations arise that I will know what to do - what to say or just to listen.

What is the thing about the trips that has changed you and made you want to go back?

I don't know if I have changed but I go back for the kids and being busy with them out there has helped me get through difficult times in my life.