I'm not sure why I've got the idea of a "brigade" in my head, but that word seems to be popping up. In this case, it may be the exact word I'm looking for since according to the dictionary it means "a group of troops".
This year we will be doing a "Red Bracelet Brigade". I'm not sure if that's really what we'll call it, but whatever...
Here's the idea ....
This year the Haiti and Pine Ridge mission trips overlap by a few days.
Pine Ridge being July 28 - Aug. 6
Haiti being August 2 - August 11
All of us who have been on trips like these are well aware of the importance of PRAYER. Prayer is the life-blood of any outreach. In fact, I believe it is the life-blood of our spiritual lives.
This year we will join with the Haiti team and will be signing people at our church up to commit to pray for 30 min. segments for the trips, for the mission projects, and for missions in general whether they be Haiti, Pine Ridge, or somewhere else.
Each person who prays will get a Red Bracelet as a reminder to pray.
We will be making these Red Bracelets at the Rock-A-Thon on April 14th. They are very EASY and FAST to make and they are CHEAP. They will NOT be "pretty" but hey, this is not about pretty.