Saturday, March 10, 2007

February Newsletter from Pass Creek CHoG

We praise God in all seasons, not only seasons of life but seasons of the year. Sometimes out on the prarie when the wind blows and the snow drifts it seems more lonely somehow and more desolate than other times of the year, but God is always near. Soon the crocus and daffodil will show their presnece and we will know new life with spring will also follow shortly. As the Easter season aproaches and we begin to teach our children the story of Jesus, his death and resurrection I cannot help but see the similarity with winter turning to spring.

The needs of the people are more desperate and pronounced in the winter months with the cold, and we continue to try and meet those needs. In meeting those needs we make new friends and can share the love of Jesus with them. We find we must meet the physical needs first in order to share the spiritual, just as I believe was the example Jesus gave.

Once again I want to thank the people who have faithfully sent us money to keep this ministry going and to those who have sent us coats, blankets and so many other items we need.

As you know the work with the children is very important to us here. We want to have programs for the kids that include outings, crafts, fun nights and fellowship. We want to equip them for a world that is often unfair and people that are often unkind. We want to teach them about the love of God and that with God there is a different way of life. This is a poem I came across when I worked in the school system with migrant/homeless children that touched me very deeply. Read this and pray for ALL the children everywhere.

A Prayer For Children
We pray for children who put chocolate fingers everywhere, who like to be tickled, who stomp in puddles and ruin their new pants, who sneak Popsicles before supper, who erase holes in math workbooks, who can never find their shoes.

And we pray for those who stare at photographers from behind barbed wire, who can't bound in the street in a new pair of sneakers, who never go tot eh circus.

We pray for children who bring us sticky kisses and fistfuls of dandelions, who sleep with the dog and bury the goldfish, who hug us in a hurry and forget their lunch money, who cover themselves with Band-Aids and sing off-key, who squeeze toothpaste all over the sink, who slurp their soup.

And we pray for those who never get dessert, who have no safe blanket to drag behind them, who watch their parents watch them die, who can't find any bread to steal, who don't have any rooms to clean up, whose pictures aren't on anybody's dresser, whose monsters are real.

We pray for children who spend all their allowance before Tuesday, who throw tantrums in the grocery store and pick at their food, who like ghost stories, who hove dirty clothes under the bed and never rinse the tub, who get visits from the tooth fairy, who don't like to be kissed in front of the carpool, who squirm in church and scream in the phone, whose tears we sometimes laugh at, and whose smiles can make us cry.

We pray for those whose nightmares come in the daytime, who will eat anything, who aren't spoiled by anybody, who go to bed hungry and cry themselves to sleep, and who live and move but have no being.

We pray for children who want to be carried and for those who must, for those we never give up on and for those we don't get a second chance. For those we smother ... and for those who will grab the hand of anybody kind enough to offer it.

This poem has always impacted me and made me think and given me cause to always pray for the children.

As spring is just around the corner, we eagerly anticipate in the coming months the workcampers and all the work and excitement that spring and summer bring. We are blessed that we have so many coming this summer and our prayers are that we can impact this community and each person in this community. Pray with us that God will send His Spirit on Allen, South Dakota and there will be revival here and the people will come to know the love and saving grace of Jesus. We received notice from the workcamp in Ohio that they
will have 27 people coming with that group!!!! Praise God. We'll be ready and waiting for everyone! We also continue to pray for all of you and your work for the kingdom. God bless.

Now for something fun. the people here love to celebrate and birthday parties are one of the most fun times here. We have been trying to get the word out that the fellowship hall here is for all in the community to use and encourage anyone who needs a place for a gathering to give us a call. We can meet many thing way and have a good time!

In closing we thank you again for your support and prayers for the Pass Creek Church of God and the Lakota people here on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. God bless all of you in your work and we will speak with you in March.

Love in Christ,
Barry and Shelly