Friday, March 09, 2007

The January. Newsletter From Pass Creek CHoG

From Barry & Shelly

We hope the new year is bringing new hope, new challenges and new promises revealed by God. Christmas was a wonderful time here in South Dakota, even though it wasn't white. We would like to thank everyone for their continued prayers and support for the mission here.

Kid's Corner

We now have a youth group for kids age 11 and older, meeting on Thursday nights at 6:30. We are using the series Revolution 2 by bluefish TV, a DVD series that also has a Bible study that goes with it. We will continue our children's program on Wed. nights, children's church on Sunday mornings, and the program Sunday nights. We visited the nursing home before Christmas, taking treats and gifts to the residents there. That is something I would like to continue, the residents love it and it will be good for the children to give of themselves to others.

Work Camps

  • The scheduled work camps to date:
  • Tri-S Group from Anderson University - March 11-17
  • Jersey Shore, PA - June 15-22
  • Fairfield, OH - July 29-Aug. 5
  • Monroe City, IN - Aug. 6-10

This winter we have experienced some very cold weather and have found that there is a need during these times for blankets, coats, hats, gloves and electric heaters. Our items are depleted, but thankfully there are 26 boxes of blankets, hats and gloves on the way.

During our cold weather we had some pipes break in one of the work camp trailers and Barry is working to not only fix the pipes, but to install a new shower. We should have things looking good for all you work campers!!!

We enjoy all the newsletters that come here an dhow all of the other Churches are doing. T here are some exciting things going on for the kingdom of God and I believe that we will see many more in the days to come. Please remember Paul and Kathy in your prayers. They now live in Rapid City and are adjusting to retirement. I know they would love to continue to hear from everyone. (See Amber for their address) They continue to come here many Sundays to help with music and the message sometimes. Barry is doing most of the services now, studying a lot and praise God for His divine inspiration.

Giving Thanks

We would like to thank God for always looking out for us here and also a couple of people God continues to use for This work. Bill R. we would like to thank you for the green truck that you have given to God's work, and to Paul and Kathy for the transmission they had put in the truck, AND the new snowplow that is on the front. Those of you who ave seen South Dakota winters on the prairie know that this will be one of the most useful things we need here, especially on church days to get everyone in and out safely. THANK YOU!!

It is easy to sometimes get discouraged and lonely and feel that what we are doing makes no difference. When I have those times I try to refer to this little story.

As an old man was walking along the beach at dawn, he noticed a young man ahead of him picking up starfish and flinging them back into the sea. Finally catching up with the youth, he asked him why he was doing this. The answer was that the stranded starfish would die if left until the morning sun. "But the beach goes on for miles and there are millions of starfish, "countered the other. "How can your efforts mane any difference?" You young man looked at the starfish in his had and then threw it safely in the waves. "It makes a difference to this one," he added.

I have to keep reminding myself that what we do matters to someone and the reason we are doing it is found in Matthew 28:19020.

God Bless,
Barry & Shelly