Just an update on where we're at ....
The DVD sales went well and will help to keep everyone's cost down! We made $342.00 on the DVD sales and I've already spent it! I just put in an order for the Safari hats, animal print sunglasses, and the lion pinata! The kids are going to be SOOOO cute in their safari hats! I am getting really excited about this trip and if you don't believe that, see my post on my other blog.
The Holiday Candy/Cookie fundraiser is also off and running. We've only had a few team members participate but those of us who are will be earing money toward that first payment that is coming up soon. I personally can't wait to see Josh making peanut butter pies!
If you had planned to participate in this fundraiser but didn't get your info to me by Oct. 29th, then you can still participate but your stuff will not be included in the bulletin and price list we will be putting out.
Those of you who are participating, remember to bring your free samples on Sunday, Nov. 5th and stay at the table before and after all services so that people can give you their orders.
This is going to be a great trip!