Monday, October 30, 2006

It Begins....

Just an update on where we're at ....

The DVD sales went well and will help to keep everyone's cost down! We made $342.00 on the DVD sales and I've already spent it! I just put in an order for the Safari hats, animal print sunglasses, and the lion pinata! The kids are going to be SOOOO cute in their safari hats! I am getting really excited about this trip and if you don't believe that, see my post on my other blog.

The Holiday Candy/Cookie fundraiser is also off and running. We've only had a few team members participate but those of us who are will be earing money toward that first payment that is coming up soon. I personally can't wait to see Josh making peanut butter pies!

If you had planned to participate in this fundraiser but didn't get your info to me by Oct. 29th, then you can still participate but your stuff will not be included in the bulletin and price list we will be putting out.

Those of you who are participating, remember to bring your free samples on Sunday, Nov. 5th and stay at the table before and after all services so that people can give you their orders.

This is going to be a great trip!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

It's That Time Again

Time to fill and pack the backpacks for the 2007 trip!

The Backpack Packing Party will be at the Buriff's on Sunday, Nov. 19th @ 3:00 PM

If everyone shows up, it shouldn't take more than an hour.

Mark your calendars now and plan to help us out

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Christmas Candy/Cookie Fundraiser

We have the Christmas Cookie/Candy fundaiser coming up really soon. It is for anyone who wants to participate. You do not have to participate if you do not want to. All of the money you make on the products you sell will go into your account. If you choose not to participate, you will not be benefiting from this fundraiser.

For those who want to participate here is what I will need from you.

  • Email or give me your list of the products you will be selling and a price for each of them by Sunday, Oct. 29th, so that I can make up a price list with everyone's products on it. A lot of people want to take these with them as they think about what to order.
  • Print up your own order forms for your products. I will be happy to do that for you if you let me know.

  • Be prepared to make samples that will be given out for free on the first weekend in Nov. (Nov. 5th) At that time we will just give out samples and start taking orders. Package your samples in small sample-sized packages.
  • I will also need someone to sit at the table before and after each service to take orders. If you can help with that, let me know and I'll schedule you to sit at the table. We will be doing this Nov. 5th - Dec. 13th to give you time to deliver your products by Christmas

Things are beginning to roll!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Wounded Knee

On the morning of December 29, 1890, members of the Miniconjou Sioux (Lakota) tribe led by Chief Big Foot were massacred by the Seventh Cavalry of the United States Army on the banks of Wounded Knee creek. If you are unfamiliar with the events of that horriffic morning, please take a moment to read about it here or watch the video posted at the bottom of this post.

Over 300 unarmed Lakota were killed that day, their bodies left to freeze in the snow for 3 days. Of this number 69 were children, 133 women, and 39 elders.

After the shooting ended the wounded were piled into wagons and taken to a church which was used as a makeshift hospital. It was 4 days after Christmas and the sactuary was still decorated with Christmas greenry. A banner hanging at the front of the church ironically proclaimed "Pease on Earth, Goodwill to Men".

On New Year's Day a government burial detail arrived to bury the remaining victims. The bodies were stripped of valuables and dropped into a mass grave. Chief Big Foot was scalped, the scalp sent as a trophy to the Seventh Cavalry's museum in Massachusetts. There it remained over the protests of Chief Bigfoot's family until the summer of 2000.

The soldiers who carried out this gruesome massacre were awarded Congressional Medals of Honor which remain to this day.

Below are some pictures of the actual massacre.

The church where the wounded were taken

Burial in the mass grave

Site of the mass grave and the memorial marker

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

The site of the mass grave today

The Names Listed on the Monument at Wounded Knee

Chief Big Foot

Mr. High Hawk

Mr. Shading Bear

Long Bull

White American

Spotted Thunder

Shoots the Bear

Picked Horses

Bear cuts Body

Chase in Winter

Black Coyote

Ghost Horse

Living Bear

Afraid of Bear

Young Afraid of Bear

Yellow Robe

Wounded Hand

Red Eagle

Pretty Hawk

Wm. Horn Cloud

Sherman Horn Cloud

Scatters Them

Red Fish

Swift Bird

He Crow

Little Water

Strong Fox

Tooth its Hole

Red Horn

He Eagle

No Ears

Wolf Skin Necklace

Lodge Skin Knopkin

Charge at Them

Weasee Bear

Bird Shakes

Big Skirt

Brown Turtle

Blue American

Pass Water in Horn

Scabbard Knife

Small Side Bear

Kills Seneca

You can sign an online petition to recind the medals of honor awarded to the U.S. Soldiers by clicking here.