Friday, July 29, 2011

A Motley Crew

Well ... I would say its about to get crazy, but it already has done that.  There are always two things that happen every year as we near the time to leave, 1) things fall into place with such uncanny timing that you know it just has to be a "God thing", and 2) the enemy throws everything he's got at you. 

Both of those things have been happening.  Several of our crew are under attack.  Some have physical issues.  Others have family issues.  And there are no doubt some that I don't know about.  At least one is leaving in a cast - and he's the cook. 

Yeah, we're a motley crew this year.  We're battle scared and we've not even left yet.  So ... pray for us ... and pray for their families who are staying behind. 

Angie Coffey
Roy Hauser
Terie Winkler
Andy Murphy
Cathy Jackson
Charles Jackson
Dennis Whitaker
Ericka Buchanan
Bailey Cartwright
Jean  Hitsman (who is already battling health issues)
Tyler Hitsman
Brian Whitlock (who is going with an air cast on this foot due to a torn ligament)
Fred Howell
Earl Baker
Brian Buriff
Amber Buriff