Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Pics from the '08 Trip

Giving out backpacks

Lynol speaking at the Wounded Knee Memorial

The 2008 Crew!
Ericka and Joseph
Mornings are rough

You can call me Flower if you want to

Horses running wild

Ericka and Roman - the little boy who asked her to pray with him and tell him more about how much Jesus loves him

Hammer stole all our hearts

Off-roading at Melda's

A really bad hair day

This pic still makes me cry. Hammer had to go home early and no one was happy about it.

Dennis having too much fun

Mark and his girls

"The Associates"

Amber's war paint after the girls trailer came under attack by "the Associates"

We miss our friend Marcus Trejo

More of "The Associates" antics