It's that time again. If you would like to let us do your holiday baking, see any of the following team members.
Cathy J.
Buckeyes - $12.00 for 3 dozen
Peanut Butter Fudge - $8.00 per pound
Brian W.
Hugs & Kisses (cookies, not real hugs and kisses) $5.00 per dozen
Amber B.
Homemade Gingersnaps - $5.00 per dozen in gift bag
Chocolate Walnut Fudge - $8.00 per pound
Tyler H.
Low-Fat Chocolate Chip Cookies - $4.00 per dozen
Proceeds help to pay Team Member's trip costs.
Please order from the person selling the item you wish to order.
Please pay at the time of order
If you are a team member and want to participate, get your information Amber asap