Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Comments Disabled

Not many of our team comment here and that is fine but wanted to alert you that I've disabled comments entirely on this blog. Some person who is obviously ignorant of what we do there has been posting that the Pass Creek church is getting rich off of us. Anyone who is in any way knowledgeable of that church, the reservation, or our group that travels there knows how utterly ridiculous that is. But ignorant people who want to stir trouble abound. This visitor is from Wall Drug, SD and spent a total of 6 min. 14 seconds on our site and felt they knew enough to make these accusations. I will not permit this blog to be used in that manner.

If anyone in our church family or any team member has questions and wants to see our bookkeeping - you only need to ask. In fact, I encourage you to do so - you'll appreciate what we do even more. We remain fully accountable to any supporter of this endeavor.

My apologies to any team members or church family member who would have liked to have been able to use this blog to communicate via comments. It's sad that when you try to do a good thing someone has to give you grief for no good reason but that's the world we live in.