I know that 26 of us are going to Pine Ridge Reservation on July 27 - August 1st to play with some kids and maybe, hopefully, show them the love of Jesus by how we interact with them and each other. That's really about all I know for sure and even that may change. Don't ya love it? :)
What I don't know is .... what else is happening. And I DO love that. Gosh, if all went as planned it would be boring. Where would the fun be in that. I happen to prefer the unknown and the holy chaos - as long as it is holy chaos and not chaos brought about by irresponsibility. I believe this is of the holy nature.
Lots of cool stuff on the table. Here's what's happening at the moment. Remember, it can and probably will change.
John and I went to Matthew 25 Ministries on Monday to see if they would be able to help us out with some products to take to the church in Allen so they will have things to give to the people there who need them. Things like baby items, electric heaters, cleaning supplies, personal care items, etc.
They do have them and can probably let us have them - for $170.00 per pallet.
Problem - do we have the $ for that.
Probably. I budgeted for food not planning on a donation of food from a local company who has always given a donation before - just in case they couldn't this year. Last week, we found out that they would give the donation of food again so we should have enough $ for the pallets. BUT, a lot can change between now and July 27, so I'm not going to go spend that money until I am sure we really do have the donation. I have no reason to believe we wont have it, but ya just never know. I trust the company but I also know things happen that no one can foresee that may change things. Remember 9/11 and a little storm called Katrina? There's just a lot of things we (or they) have no control over.
Next, if we can get them, how do we get them there?
John asked the board if they would help us with renting a second Ryder truck. They agreed to, but this money would come out of the mission's budget that would otherwise be sent to the church in Allen. I am not willing to take money out of the mission budget because for all I know, they may need that money for something else more than they need "stuff".
SO, rumor has it, that there is a businessman in the church who is willing to loan us one of his business trucks to take. And it has a hitch on it so we could pull a trailer behind us if we need to. John knows someone who happens to have a trailer they may loan to us for that 10 days. He's working on that as I type.
He is also working on some fundraising ideas to help pay for as many pallets as we can get. It's a cool fundraiser that involves autographed sports memorabilia and diamond seats to Reds games. He's also working on this as I type. If it comes together this could be BIG.
SO, we may be taking FIVE vehicles with us this year - 3 vans, a 24 foot Ryder truck and another truck with a trailer behind it to the reservation this year! Or, we may not.
I'm really OK either way. Remember, this isn't about charity. Don't get me wrong, I love the charity idea - taking "stuff" that is needed to one of the poorest places in America is what I love, but there is something I love even more than that. I love the relationships we build out there and I really think that is our main mission there - to just "be" and enjoy the people. And if we can take them some of the things they need - cool.
On a sadder note, Gary H. is not going to be going with us this year. We will miss you Gary.