- 30.9% of Indians have incomes below the national poverty line, more than any other race or ethnic group.
- 90,000 or more Indians are homeless.
- 40% of Indian households are overcrowded - compared to about 6% of the population at large.
- Indians are about twice as likely as non-indians to be murdered.
- Their death rate from alcoholism is about 4 times the national average.
- The rate of fetal alcohol syndrome among their children is 33 times higher than that for whites.
- Indian babies are 3 times as likely as white babies to die of SIDS.
- One in 5 Indian girls and one is 8 boys attempts suicide by the end of high school.
- Indians are twice as likely as non-indians to live in a moblie home. The reason for this has partly to do with laws against repossesion of tribal land: banks will loan money on reservations only for property which, in the event of default, can be towed away.