LOTS of info here from the Fundraiser meeting yesterday - read carefully!
For those of you who were not at the fundraiser meeting yesterday, here is the new info.:
NOW! Pie Sales - see Connie for an order form. All sales and money will need to be returned to Connie by Dec. 6th.
NOW! Christmas Candy/Cookie Sale - orders are still coming in. Be at the table as much as possible so people can order from you.
DECEMBER - Gift wrapping. Each Wed. or Sunday after the services. How it works: People will be bringing their gifts, wrapping paper, bows, and name tags and any team member who can stay after the service to help wrap will benefit. This will be done on a free-will offering basis. Tell your friends outside of church about this too!
Jan. 13th from 10:00 - ? - The Pancake Breakfast/Variety Show/Face Painting/Silent Art Auction/ etc. You will need to be there earlier than 10 am to help set up and stay to clean up.How it works: Anyone who comes to work and stays to help clean up will benefit.
January - The Penny War! Each Sunday in January.How it works: Each SS class will have a jar set up on a table with their name on it. The idea is for that class to put as many pennies into their jar as they can. Each penny is a + point. The class with the most + points at the end, wins the trophy which they can display in their classroom for the next year. The catch - other classes can put silver money or paper money into the opposing classes jars. Each silver coin or paper money will count as - points. (a dime = -10 points, a $100 = -100 points). This gets really competitive and fun. Any team member who helps count and roll the coins each week will benefit.
Feb. 10th - The Valentine Dinner. More info to follow. If you have questions, see Tonya. How it works - If you come to help and stay to clean up, you will benefit.
April 14?? - Haiti/Pine Ridge Rock-a-thon Dates may change. Any questions see Tammi. How it works: Get a sponsor sheet from Tammi and gather sponsors. On the date of the rock-a-thon, bring your own rocking chair and snacks and prepare to rock from 9AM - 9PM. More info coming as I get it.
Flocking! Josh is working on a really fun fundraiser where we can "flock" someone's house. How it works: Someone pays us to "flock" someone's house with several of the pink plastic flamingos that you sometimes see as yard ornaments. When the house is flocked there is a note left telling the person that they have been "flocked". That person can then pay to get revenge on the person who flocked them by paying us to flock their house. People may also purchase "insurance" to ensure that they are not flocked. Get the idea? Sounds like fun, eh? If you know where we can find several pink flamingos, let us know!
ANYTIME - Sponsor Letters. You can always send out sponsor letters. They really do work! Some have had their entire trip paid for this way. Just a note - I recommend that in addition to sponsor letters you also participate in the fundaisers because I have had a number of people who are good givers that they will not sponsor someone who is not willing to work for their trip.
I think I remembered everything. There are lots of opportunities to raise money for your trip. If you have any questions, see either Connie or me.
Just a thought or two ... if you can afford to pay for your trip you may want to choose to sit out of the fundraisers so that those who really need them will benefit more. Or you can work and give the money you raise to another team member. I know all of us would prefer not to pay for our trip but the sacrifice can often make the trip more meaningful. The more you sacrifice, the more you will be blessed. I really believe that.
Secondly, remember to invite and include as many people from your work/neighborhood/circle of friends/family as you can so that we do not overtax the church with fundraisers. In addition to these fundraisers for the Pine Ridge/Omega trip there is also the Haiti group who is trying to raise moeny. That's a LOT of hands out so lets try to spread the net out a bit beyond the same people at church who keep getting hit up. Remember that our church family has already given over $2000.00 to this trip and that does not include the Christmas Candy fundraiser.