The shirts are ordered! I have white cotton tee-shirts on their way and yesterday I picked up some tie- dye kits at Michaels (I had a 50% off coupon). One of the crafts this year will be making tie-dye shirts. Yeah, giving dye in squirt bottles to little kids ... always a good idea. Oh well, its not like we've not been painted before.
This year our "Crew Shirts" will not be the typical shirts that we've had in the past. Nope, this year we'll be tie dying plain white t's along with the kids and those will be our team shirts.
Along with the wild and crazy shirts we will give the kids neon bandannas and some snazzy looking neon shades. (modeled above by one of my favorite people) Oh and I think we'll decorate neon flip flops again this year too.
Its gonna be fun!