Sunday, December 27, 2009

Jenny Rodiguez in Concert

Jenny Rodriguez
in concert
Sunday, Jan. 24, 2010
Winton Rd. First Church of God
6200 Winton Rd.
Fairfield, OH
An offering will be taken to raise funds for the work project at the Pass Creek Church of God on the Pine Ridge Reservation

SUPER Sub Sale!

Coming SOON!
The Pine Ridge Mission Team will be taking orders for Sub Sandwiches.
You may order:
A Regular Sub for $7
Ham, Turkey, Salami, Provolone Cheese

A Super Sub for $8
Ham, Turkey, Salami, Provolone Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion
See any team member to order.
You may pick up your sub on
Sunday, Feb. 7, 2010
Winton Rd. First Church of God
6200 Winton Rd.
Fairfield, OH
Between Noon and 1pm

Friday, December 18, 2009

Upcoming Dates!!

Sunday, Dec 27th - after the morning service we will need to get the table of card/candles/etc. down. Cathy Jackson has asked to have the stuff to sell at her Pine Ridge yard sale next Spring but we will need a few people to help get the tables down and load the stuff. It would also be nice if we could go to Cathy's to help her unload it too. Any volunteers?

Sunday, Jan. 10th - We will start taking orders for Superbowl Subs. We'll need people to sit at the table and take people's orders and money. They have to pay up front so we can have some cash to buy the ingredients.

Thursday, Jan. 14th @ 7pm @ church - our first team meeting. All registration materials and payment due.

Sunday, Jan. 24th @ 6pm @ church - Jenny will be doing a concert and we'll be taking up an offering for the work project. So far we made around $400 (I think) on the table of card/candles. We need to raise $4500.00 so we've got about $4000 to go. The team will be acting as ushers to take up the offering. If you have a team t-shirt from a previous year you can wear it.

Saturday, Feb. 6th - 12 noon @ church - Team members need to be there and plan to stay until we have all of the subs made up and stored. Everyone who works will benefit. If you don't work, you don't receive any of the fundraiser money.

Sunday, Feb. 7th @ 12 noon - SUB Pickup for Superbowl. We'll need team members to help deliver subs (at church) to those who ordered them.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Christmastime is Here

This week we will be shipping the gifts that our church bought for the family on the Rez that wouldn't have otherwise had any gifts this Christmas. It worked out great - each of the 7 children ended up with 6 gifts each - except for the only girl has eight gifts. Mom got a few gifts as well and each child will have a stocking stuffed with small toys and candy (socks instead of candy for the baby). We'll also be sending along cookies and fudge and hot cocoa mix for the whole family to enjoy.

Thanks to each of you who gave. As you sit around your Christmas tree this Christmas, take a moment to remember that somewhere on the Reservation are some very happy little kids who will always remember that some church somewhere showered them with love one Christmas.