Friday, September 05, 2008

Summer 2008 Newsletter from the Pass Creek CHoG

News from Barry and Shelly!


Hello everyone,

It has been a while since I've been able to get a newsletter sent out but now summer is coming to an end and things have slowed down. There is so much I want to share with you and God has been so good. We have been blessed with so many wonderful people from all across the country that have came here and worked on projects and spent time in VBS with our children. If you have never been part of a work camp or been the hoset church to a work camp, I don't know if I can fully express the blessing of new friends and reuniting with old friends from summers past.

Our work camp year started with Tri-S University, headed by Ed Breeden and Emily Clark. Shortly after they left Dale Ridley from YWAM (Youth With A Mission) out of Minnesota called and wanted to bring some of his staff out to meet us and see our church. That resulted in one work camp from Minnesota - waht a terrific group of kids and their youth pastor Scott. We painted the post office in Allen and had a one day VBS. Two other groups that were in White Clay (from YWAM) came and had a one day VBS with the children here. They were from Chicago, Illinois and from New York.

We met some new friends from Vinita, Oklahoma that came and did an incredible amount of work in just a couple of days. They installed two new water heaters, ran water lines, brought new double and single sinks and a toilet for our second work camp trailer that we hope will be up and running in the Spring. They also built a deck between the two work camp trailers. We thank you guys so much!

Of course we welcomed our friends from Jersey Shore, Fairfield and Monroe City back for a great time. Emily Clark's home church from Kalamazoo, MI came out for the first time and they are an awesome group of people!! Bob and Carol we love you and all your group.

Another church that came out this year was the Castine Church of the Brethren from Ohio with their pastor Brian Delk. This is such a special group to me and I made some deep friendships, we may have some of their young people coming out next summer to help as an internship. Some time this fall I would like to make a trip to Ohio and stop in Monroe City on the way.


Shelly also included pics of each group but I can't do that here since I don't have access to those pics.

Please keep Barry, Shelly, and all of the people in Allen and on the Reservation in your prayers. Good things are happening there!