Friday, February 24, 2006

The Hotel!

The hotel reservations have been made for the trip out. We are still looking at our schedule before making reservations for the trip home, but those will be coming soon. We will be staying in the Hamtom Hotel in Des Moine, IA. (Cathy click the blue words to see pics of the hotel).

I did have a bit of a problem and I am asking for your cooperation on this - especially from you men who are going. Currently we have 5 men signed up, which would mean that we need 2 rooms for the guys. The problem is that two of those men are having difficultly coming up with their money and may need to drop out, which would mean we would only need one room.

THEN, one of the ladies is perhaps going to drop out as well and another guy may be taking her place. SOOO.... I'm not sure what to do about rooms. We reserved 4 rooms - one for the men so some of the guys may end up needing to sleep on the floor or (hopefully) a roll-away. We needed to make the reservations now in order to ensure the $29 a room price. Even at that we were only able to get 3 of the rooms at that rate, so I went ahead and booked them.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Pine Ridge '06 - My Story, Our Story, His Story

In addition to the "Pirates" theme for the week, we will be doing VBS differently this year. For one thing, we have a smaller crew and to do a typical VBS will stretch us too thin, SO, time for creativity ..... who said we had to do things the same way we've always done them anyway, eh?

For VBS we will focus more on sharing our stories - both individually and collectively. So, be prepared to share what God has done for you personally.
Here is what the week will look like in terms of telling stories:

My Story

Monday - Wednesday

We will divide the kids into groups with each group having several crew members. The crew members will take turns sharing their stories. You may also allow for the kids to share their stories if they choose to do so as well.

Our Story

On Thursday we will share Our Story with the kids. In essence, we will tell them why we come out to the reservation and what it has taken for us to do so. Be prepared to share with them your own personal reasons for wanting to go to the reservation.

His Story

Thursday - sharing why we come to the reservation will naturally lead in to sharing about Jesus and His love for us and for the Lakota children. We will take the opportunity to share the gospel message.

Focus on Prayer

Because we will be more intentionally sharing the gospel message with the kids, I am asking each crew member (and anyone reading) to keep our trip in your prayers on a daily basis. This will be new territiory for our crew and we need to be especially sensitive to the needs of the Lakota children. Pray for the trip in general. Pray specificially for the safety and health of all of the crew. Pray specifically for the missionaries there. And pray specifically for the children.


I am in the process of making prayer bracelets for each crew member. The bracelets will have the name or names of some of the children that we will be working with and will be a reminder to us to pray daily for those children.

Some time in June or early July I will also be passing around a sign-up sheet for those in our congregation to commit to pray for us. Anyone who signs up to pray for us while we are gone will be given a beaded bracelet to remind them to pray for us.


Let,s pray, let's prepare, and let's have FUN!