Wednesday, August 24, 2005

First Meeting

This year I'm going to have 2 informational meetings to accomodate people's schedules. Anyone who is MILDLY interested in going on the 2006 trip needs to attend one of the two meetings. They will be:

Sunday, August 28th at 4PM and Sunday, Sept. 11 at 4 PM

You will receive information about the trip as well as all the paperwork you will need for registeration. Since there is really no way for me to fill you in if you're not at the meeting, please be at one of the two if you want to go on the trip.

Dates for the 2006 Trip!!

Wow, I've just caught my breath and we're off on a new adventure! Actually, I began working on the 2006 trip before we even left for the 2005 trip! Anyway, we now have dates for the 2006 trip. The trip will be from July 15 - July 24.

We will leave on Saturday, July 15, travel to Sioux City, IA and spend the night.
We will arrive on the Rez on Sunday evening, July 16th and will begin work on Monday the 17th.

We will leave the Rez on Sunday, July 23rd and will arrive back in Fairfield on Monday July 24th!

We'll spend 5 days working with the kids and one day of sight-seeing.

I'll be having an informational meeting SOON so be looking for more details in the near future.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Policy Re: Payments

There are two ways to make payments:

Sponsor Money
If someone sponsors your trip, that money is tax deductible but it is not returnable. Because it is given for the trip, it must be spent on Pine Ridge missions and cannot be returned to you at the end of the trip. It can be held over for use for the next year.

If someone sponsors you, have them make the check out to Winton Rd. First Church of God and earmark with your name. Then give the check to Amber or Brian so that your account is credited. DO NOT have them put it in the offering plate where it may get lost in the offering.

Out of Pocket
If you are making a payment out of pocket, the IRS does not allow you to take that off your taxes. Make a check out to the Pine Ridge Mission Fund and give the check to Amber or Brian. This money is not tax deductible but it is returnable to you in the event the cost of the trip is less than estimated.

Deadlines for payments are firm. Deadlines will be give at the informational meeting. You will be allowed ONE WEEK grace period. Please be sure to let Amber know if you are going to need the extra week. DO NOT just fail to make your payment and assume that I will assume you need the extra week. If you fail to make your payment after the one week grace period, you will lose your spot on the team. If this happens, money you have already paid in will not be returned to you.

The reason for this policy is that payments are spaced 4 weeks apart. If you are not able to make a payment at the end of the grace period, you will be only 2 weeks away from another payment which you will also likely not be able to make. That that point you will be digging a hole for yourself that you will not likely get out of and this could conceivably put the trip at risk. .