Many of these coats will be distributed to the people of Allen, Kyle and Wounded Knee and others will be taken to Whiteclay. For those who may not know about Whiteclay it is well known for its contribution to the problem of alcoholism on the Reservation.
The Oglala Lakota Nation has prohibited the sale and possession of alcohol on the Pine Ridge Reservation since the early 1970's. However, the town of Whiteclay, Nebraska (which sits 400 yards off the Reservation border in a contested "buffer" zone) has approximately 14 residents and four liquor stores which sell over 4.1 million cans of beer each year resulting in a $3million annual trade. Unlike other Nebraska communities, Whiteclay exists only to sell liquor and make money. It has no schools, no churches, no civic organizations, no parks, no benches, no public bathrooms, no fire service and no law enforcement. Tribal officials have repeatedly pleaded with the State of Nebraska to close these liquor stores or enforce the State laws regulating liquor stores but have been consistently refused.
It is not uncommon to drive through Whiteclay and see the streets lined with Lakota men and women who are drunk. It is no different in winter. Often they will sit on the street without a coat and drink despite below zero temperatures. The plan is to take the coats to Whiteclay and walk the streets putting coats around these people and praying for them.
Ray and Kathy are great examples of someone who just wanted to do something to help. You don't need anything other than a willing heart and a willingness to get the ball rolling and God only knows how many hearts will be touched.