
We were not taught the entire truth. We were only taught what the government wanted us to learn. The very same government that controls our schools took away the pride, culture, beliefs, and freedoms of the native americans and placed them on reservations. That very same government deceived the natives for their own benefit, with no regard for life of women or children. That very same government wanted to annhilate the natives; the very same natives that believed we could share the land and live peacefully together. Now many will say this was to better America. But I ask, better for whom?
Have you ever wondered what life on a reservation is like for the indians? Have you ever given thought to giving up life the way you know it and being forced to conform or die to another's ways? You would lose all freedoms and sense of who you are and where you come from. What comes to mind when you think of indians? I've heard the phrase 'drunken indian' many times. Have you ever wondered why?
If you've had your entire life stripped from you and you have no hope to offer your children and future generations, what else is there? The indians were forced to live on the reservations, conform to 'civilized society', and survive on small rations; forced to succumb to the very same government who placed them there. They were compelled to give up their religions, customs, history, and ultimately their livelihood.
Now, you might be wondering why I speak of these things or why I even care. It is because I have seen this firsthand. This past July I went to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, home of the Oglala Lakota Sioux, with a church. We had VBS for the children of Allen, SD, distributed backpacks with supplies to three villages, and constructed a room addition for an elderly woman who's kitchen was outdoors. This was a life-altering trip. There weren't many ways to prepare for what I would experience. I did read (and suggest to you) "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" by Dee Brown. Now this is unlike any story you would ever hear in a classroom. This is the true story of deceit, larceny, murder, and even genocide. HBO even made a movie based on this book, however, I suggest both.
I can honestly say that I didn't really remember much about Wounded Knee from school. Most average Americans probably do not. The book tells of the downfall of the native americans beginning with the 'discovery' by the English to the massacre that took place at Wounded Knee Creek. It was December 1890, after the death of Chief Sitting Bull, that the 7th calvary was ordered to disarm the tribe of Chief BigFoot. A shot rang out as a deaf tribesman struggled in confusion to give up his rifle. This set off a chain reaction of mayhem and fighting between the two sides. By the time it ended, nearly 300 men, women, and Lakota children were killed. Due to a blizzard, it would be several days before any remains would be buried. A mass grave was dug for the slain victims of the massacre. I was able to stand and look upon this mass grave and knowing the tragedy that took place underneath my feet, I mourned. I mourned for the Lakota people killed there in Wounded Knee. I mourned for the Lakota people who are still living there today under the oppression of this life. I mourned for all native tribes that had their dignity and lives stripped from them.
After spending a week on the reservation with the Lakota people, I had even more respect for them than I could even fathom. Consider all that has been taken from them and the majority of them were very accepting of us. The elderly woman that we built the kitchen for was the most compassionate woman I've ever met. She spoke of the past and said that many in her village do hold a grudge to the white man. She said "what's done is done. You can't change it, just accept it and do the best you can with it." WOW! I would never have thought that an indian might be so accepting. Her entire family was so gracious to our crew.
The children there were, of course, the icing on the cake of my mission trip. We had about 150 kids attend VBS and we wore our hearts on our sleeves. I had my heart broken many times while I was there. Many of the kids were distant at first, especially the older ones. But that is not true for all of them. There were several kids that had never met me before that came up to me and put their arm around me- they just wanted a hug. Due to the circumstances at home, many children there don't receive the affection from their family. There were very young children being cared for by 'older siblings'; maybe 5-6 years old. We did what we could to make each child feel loved and safe at that very moment.
To really understand the devastation there, you need to know some facts. The life expectancy for men is 48 years and for women is 52. In the Western Hemisphere, only Haiti has a lower life expectancy. That is surreal- most people wouldn't believe that's possible here in America. High rates of alcoholism, heart disease, cancer, suicide, and diabetes are afflicting these people. 97% live below the Federal Poverty Level. In fact, Allen, SD has been deemed the poorest county in the United States. With no industry and no natural resources, the unemployment rate is at 80%; even higher in the winter when travel is difficult. The estimated average of people living in each family home is 17. I'm not speaking of large homes, this is a 2-3 room house. Many homes lack basic water, sewage, and electricity. I saw many gutted mobile homes and shacks that were boarded up and not fit for habitation; however, these were homes to many people. I was awestruck! We just received word that a few young children there are currently living in a car! How will they survive the harsh winter weather?
Now I know poverty is just about everywhere. I can't help but feel a sense of responsibility as a 'white man' to care for these people. Would they be suffering in these conditions if history had not compelled them into this lifestyle? I do not know the answer to that and I'm not sure what we can do to help now. Many of the Lakota people do not want to be a charity case. They want what little they have to be theirs. I do believe that prayer and awareness is key. Please educate yourself and those around you so that together we can make a change.
Thanks for your time,
VISIT : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH-Z0124h88 or log onto youtube.com and search for images of Pine Ridge Reservation