Melda's Shower
Sunday, June 28th
Winton Rd First Church of God
2:00 pm
Michelle and Sherri are hosting a Kitchen Shower for Melda! Melda's getting a new kitchen and what's a new kitchen without knew kitchen "stuff?"
We will have cake and fellowship
Bring your unwrapped gift so everyone can ooh and aah and then we'll wrap everything up and pack it for the trip!
If you would like to help Melda but you can't make the shower, feel free to donate a gift card to WalMart or Target or bring a giftand give it to Michelle or Sherri.
We will be taking lots of pictures to include a scrapbook we will put together after the Pine Ridge trip for Melda.
Suggested Gift Ideas:
Dish Towels
Pot Holders
Pot Scrubbers
Dish Soap
All sizes cast iron cookware
Non-breakable glasses/mugs
Kitchen Gadgets (non-electrical, things like spatula, tongs, long-handled spoons, etc.)
Kitchen knives
Tupperware type storage containers
Non-breakable pitcher
Cutting board