The first day we were there one of the kids saw the big Ryder truck parked in the parking lot and exclaimed, "Cool! There's our backpack truck!" It would have killed me if I had to tell him we didn't have them this year. After that I promised myself that we will take backpacks there every year.
So, I am again asking for your help. I know this comes just on the heels of this year's backpack pleas but it is the time of year when school supplies are on sale and it is a lot easier to find deals on backpacks as well.
$15.00 will buy a backpack with school supplies for one child.
If you would like to help us with purchasing backpacks for the 2007 trip, see me ASAP so we can start stocking up for the 2007 trip.
Let's make sure the "backpack truck" rolls again next year!