I've done more shopping. So far we have almost all of the school supplies and 137 backpacks (at last count). God really blessed this shopping trip because I found some GREAT deals. Spiral notebooks for 10 cents, boxes of 24 crayons for 10 cents, and folders for 10 cents! I've hit several Walmarts in the area and I imagine the cashiers dread to see me walk in the door.
It's also a blessing to see how much people support us. So many times people give me funny looks when I have two carts full of school supplies and when I explain what we're doing, they always think it's great. I've heard "God bless you" several times in the past week. One lady who worked for Walmart called the manager to ask if she would mark the stuff down any more for us. The manager never returned her call but at least she tried.
Since most of the stuff is here now, we will plan to have a backpacking party NEXT SUNDAY, JULY 2nd. Meet here at my house at 2pm and we will knock this out in no time. You do not HAVE to come to the backpack packing party but it is a lot of fun. You are welcome to stay here until church starts if you like but we will probably be finished by 3:30