We are not having a meeting in April becuase we're still yet not sure who all is going and who isn't. With that situation it's just impractical to begin planning. I hope everyone goes but this year has been strange with people dropping in and out fast enough to make my head spin. And we still are having MAJOR money problems. SO .... until those things get sorted out, I really can't make team assignments so there is little use in having a meeting.
We will have meetings in May, June, and July. As of May 1st all of our money should be in... at least that's the plan and I really, really, hope that it is. In June we'll begin shopping and packing and in July we leave!

Ericka and her friend (the village in the background)
Until then, I'll be trying to post a Pic of the Day each day. If you check in at the blog you should find a new pic of our past trips to Pine Ridge. Let those inspire some excitement and serve as a reminder to PRAY for the kids, the crew, and the trip!
If your payments are not in through April 1st, then now is the time to really make that a priority. Do whatever you have to do to get those in ASAP.