Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Update on Sick/Injured Crew
Just got a call from Judy to let us know about Fred. He is still in the hospital and will be for a bit longer. He's pretty sick. They've determined that he does have pneumonia but there are other issues as well. They've called in a heart/lung specialist and are looking for blood clots. They are also trying to determine what the spot on his lung is ... perhaps asbestos or perhaps a fungal infection. He's in a fair amount of pain today. Fred knows everyone loves him and he would love to visit with each of you but he really needs his rest so please hold off on visits. You all know Fred would sit up and visit with everyone that came in and he's really not in condition to do that. Send him a card and pray for him but the last thing he needs is people dropping by to visit.
Rhonda has two cracked ribs. Not sure how she did that, the doctor says she could have just turned the wrong way and done it. She's in pain and will be for a while as it takes 6 weeks for bone to heal. Keep her in your prayers. Of course she's not slowing down at all and is already at work.
We're still waiting on word from Charles. They've done a CAT scan on his head/neck and he is being monitored. Perhaps later this week we'll know more.
Just got a call from Judy to let us know about Fred. He is still in the hospital and will be for a bit longer. He's pretty sick. They've determined that he does have pneumonia but there are other issues as well. They've called in a heart/lung specialist and are looking for blood clots. They are also trying to determine what the spot on his lung is ... perhaps asbestos or perhaps a fungal infection. He's in a fair amount of pain today. Fred knows everyone loves him and he would love to visit with each of you but he really needs his rest so please hold off on visits. You all know Fred would sit up and visit with everyone that came in and he's really not in condition to do that. Send him a card and pray for him but the last thing he needs is people dropping by to visit.
Rhonda has two cracked ribs. Not sure how she did that, the doctor says she could have just turned the wrong way and done it. She's in pain and will be for a while as it takes 6 weeks for bone to heal. Keep her in your prayers. Of course she's not slowing down at all and is already at work.
We're still waiting on word from Charles. They've done a CAT scan on his head/neck and he is being monitored. Perhaps later this week we'll know more.
Stories of God's Provision

This trip was no exception. And it began the first day on the road.
The Tire Issue
We were traveling to Sioux City to spend the night and were somewhere between DesMoines and Sioux City when Jeff Smith came to ride in our van. Jeff is one of the 3 truck drivers for the trip and since the truck drivers take shifts driving and sleeping it was Jeff's turn to rest in one of the vans. Chrissie, Jeff's wife, was riding in the other van and normally he would have chosen to ride with her, but for some reason this particular time he climbed into our van and hunkered down in the back seat to get some rest. After a bit he sat up and said that "something was wrong with the back tire". No one else had noticed it, but Jeff did. At the next stop he checked it out and discovered that we were about to blow a tire. A Walmart was 3 miles away so we made an unscheduled stop to get a new tire. Jeff later said he didn't think we would have made it to Sioux City. We weren't one day out and God was already showing up by having Jeff, for whatever reason, ride in our van long enough to notice a tire problem before it blew out at 70 mph on the freeway.
What? No Brakes?
After making it to Sioux City we got a decent night's rest and headed out early the next morning. The truck and two vans had pulled out of the hotel parking lot when the last van radioed and said to hold up, that they were having problems. Turns out, they didn't have any brakes on the van. So we spent a few hours waiting for a parts store to open so that Charles, Jeff and Dennis could get the problem fixed. Again, it was odd, and good, that it happened in the safety of a hotel parking lot rather than on the freeway where we may have had a van full of people involved in a bad accident.
We arrived safely to the Reservation later that day. On Monday morning Fred called the cement company near Allen and was told that he had lots of time to help us that week ... but if we had come a week later he wouldn't have had any time at all to help us out. Even last year when we scheduled the trip God was at work long before we even knew what we needed, making things come together in just the right way to allow us to accomplish what we needed to accomplish.
Sumo Suits and UPS
And on Tuesday I had been looking for the arrival of the Sumo Suits. I wasn't sure if they would come on Monday or Tuesday so all day Monday I kept checking in with the post office to see if they had arrived via UPS. I'm sure I must have annoyed the lady at the post office. She ended up telling me that UPS usually didn't arrive until after 3:30 ... and that the post office closes at 4pm. I decided to stop in on Tuesday at 3:30 when I took the kids back after VBS but at 2:15 on Tuesday Shelly asked me to run to the post office to pick up kids that had been in Summer School. I went to pick up the kids and resisted checking in again to see if the package had arrived. I figured we would wait till 3:30 when we were back there again. When I got back to the church with the van full of Summer School kids, Cathy met me and said that a parent had called because they're child had been at the post office but had just missed the van - could I go back and get them. I climbed back into the van and headed for the post office again. When I arrived there was no child in sight. In fact, there wasn't an adult in sight either. It was deserted. I got out and walked around the building to see if I could see anyone. Just then a UPS truck drove in. The driver got out and walked up to me without even asking who I was and said, "I have a package for you". He hadn't even gone into the post office so I'm still not sure how he knew the package was for me, but it was odd that he seemed to just know.
Backpacks at Calico
Before we left for the trip I had contacted the president of the Calico Community to see if they needed backpacks again this year. They did, so I set up a tentative time to deliver them on Friday, July 16th, telling her that we would probably be there around 10am but that I would call when we were close to give her a closer estimate on time. Friday morning we all headed out with 600 backpacks in the truck for delivery. When we got fairly close to Calico I phoned my contact there - no answer. I had 4 different phone numbers for her but after trying all four of them several times and getting no answer I decided to chance it and drive on to Calico. If worst came to worst I could walk around and try to find someone to ask if they knew her or where she lived. Knowing that God would work something out, we drove on. When we arrived at the building where we deliver them I tried to call one last time - and she answered!
Its crazy how God gives you just what you need at the exact moment you need it and not a minute before. I have a hunch that He does that just so we can marvel at His provision and learn to trust that He will come through - even if we don't see it ahead of time.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Delivering 611 Backpacks
On Friday morning we delivered backpacks to the Wounded Knee school and to the Calico Community on Pine Ridge Reservation. Friday afternoon we distributed backpacks to the kids in the village of Allen.
While in Calico we again talked with Dawn Frank, president of the Calico Community. She explained how they distributed the backpacks we took out last year. What a fantastic lady! Be sure to check out the video below to hear what she had to say.
While in Calico we again talked with Dawn Frank, president of the Calico Community. She explained how they distributed the backpacks we took out last year. What a fantastic lady! Be sure to check out the video below to hear what she had to say.
Sumo Wrestling
For one of the "Teen Nights" we rented inflatable sumo suites and they were a BIG hit!
I'll try to get the other videos up soon - if my computer cooperates. :)
I'll try to get the other videos up soon - if my computer cooperates. :)
The Work Project
Here are some links to 360 pics of the work project both before and after. Your computer must be Java enabled. Then just click on the link. In the box there is a pull down menu that you can click on and choose the "before" picture and then the "after" picture. Use your mouse and scroll to get a 360 view.
Back Home
Well, we arrived back home late last night. Today one work camper (Charles) went to the doctor and is being monitored for possible blockages in his neck. He blacked out while driving and veered into the wrong lane while taking the teens to Gordon, NE for pizza last Thursday night. We've been very concerned about him and are glad his doctor is on top of it. Fred is also in the hospital with possible pneumonia or possibly a collapsed lung. Rhonda is still in a lot of pain too. So, while the trip is over we still need your prayers. I'll be posting stories about the trip as I have a chance to.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Sunday Morning
We're waiting at the hotel. Dennis has gone to a parts store to get a part to fix the brake line. The store does not open until 9 am ... so we're waiting ....
The plan is to have Charles and Jeff and Dennis fix it and then head on to the Reservation. This has put us behind schedule but that's typical for a mission trip. Its always a "change of plans". God is in control and knows exactly what He's doing. We're just along for the ride knowing it will work out the way it's supposed to. Its a nice bonding time. :)
Keep us in your prayers. God has our backs and will continue to have them. Things
could have gone horribly wrong on the highway at 70 mph but we've discovered every problem while we were in a safe place. We are also grateful that we are in a comfortable hotel lobby rather than sittting alongside the road somewhere. Can't wait to see what God has in store for this week!
The plan is to have Charles and Jeff and Dennis fix it and then head on to the Reservation. This has put us behind schedule but that's typical for a mission trip. Its always a "change of plans". God is in control and knows exactly what He's doing. We're just along for the ride knowing it will work out the way it's supposed to. Its a nice bonding time. :)
Keep us in your prayers. God has our backs and will continue to have them. Things
could have gone horribly wrong on the highway at 70 mph but we've discovered every problem while we were in a safe place. We are also grateful that we are in a comfortable hotel lobby rather than sittting alongside the road somewhere. Can't wait to see what God has in store for this week!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Friday, July 09, 2010
Monday, July 05, 2010
Last Few Days Before
Today Fred and I went to Home Depot to purchase some supplies for the trip. Then I ran errands ... got 2 new 2-way radios. I'd forgotten that one of ours was stolen last year and needed to be replaced. Spent the rest of the day tying up loose ends. Got another hotel room reserved - since we've had some changes in crew (women dropping out, men signing on) things changed with the number of rooms we needed. I also called Carter to invite him over to watch us load the truck Friday night. He was the person who was instrumental in getting the two church groups together for the trip and I knew he would want to be as much a part of this endeavor as possible.
Tomorrow John and I shop for more food for the trip.
I think we're almost ready to roll ....
Tomorrow John and I shop for more food for the trip.
I think we're almost ready to roll ....
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Third World America
Please take a moment to watch this and see for yourself the conditions on Pine Ridge Reservation.
Friday, July 02, 2010
What the Week on the Rez Holds
Of course anything can and probably will change at any given time, but here's a bit of what we have planned:
Sunday, July 11th - arrive mid-late afternoon. Greet Barry & Shelly then head to Wounded Knee to see the memorial there and learn something about what happened there.
Sunday evening - unload the truck, unpack, get settled in.
Monday - Thursday:
Work on the amphitheater.
Kool Aid run at 10am.
Pick up kids for VBS around 11:30
Lunch for the kids,
VBS (Aussie Outback Theme)
Take kids home
Pick up teens for Teen Night
Dinner with the Teens
Teen Nights (bowling in Martin, Sumo Wrestling Suits, Ice Cream @ Bingos, other fun stuff)
Some of us will drive to other villages to deliver backpacks & school supplies
Some will finish work on the amphitheater
Pick up kids & teens at 11:30
Lunch with kids & teens
Game Day! (sack races, tug-of-war, water fight, watermelon eating contest, etc)
Give out Backpacks
Take kids home.
Friday evening (undecided)
Trip to Custer State Park
Church at Pass Creek Church of God
Leave for home
Sunday night - stay in Des Monies, IA
Monday, July 19th - arrive back home!
Sunday, July 11th - arrive mid-late afternoon. Greet Barry & Shelly then head to Wounded Knee to see the memorial there and learn something about what happened there.
Sunday evening - unload the truck, unpack, get settled in.
Monday - Thursday:
Work on the amphitheater.
Kool Aid run at 10am.
Pick up kids for VBS around 11:30
Lunch for the kids,
VBS (Aussie Outback Theme)
Take kids home
Pick up teens for Teen Night
Dinner with the Teens
Teen Nights (bowling in Martin, Sumo Wrestling Suits, Ice Cream @ Bingos, other fun stuff)
Some of us will drive to other villages to deliver backpacks & school supplies
Some will finish work on the amphitheater
Pick up kids & teens at 11:30
Lunch with kids & teens
Game Day! (sack races, tug-of-war, water fight, watermelon eating contest, etc)
Give out Backpacks
Take kids home.
Friday evening (undecided)
Trip to Custer State Park
Church at Pass Creek Church of God
Leave for home
Sunday night - stay in Des Monies, IA
Monday, July 19th - arrive back home!
One Week to Go

This coming week we'll wait to hear about when the food donation is ready for pick up. Friday, Fred, Brian and I will go pick up the 26' Ryder truck, pick up the steel I beams, pick up the auger, and maybe pick up the food, pick up dry ice and then pack the food into coolers. Friday evening the whole crew will be here to load up all of our supplies.
We've had 4 people drop out and 4 people take their place. Brian Whitlock had to drop out because of work. John Lansdale took his place as the kitchen manager. Mark Bastin had to drop out because of work. Matthew Lansdale took his place. Bonnie Williams had to drop out for health reasons and Chrissie Smith took her place. And Jenny Porter (Brian Buriff's sister) who went with us last year, had to drop out due to a family need and Bub Whitaker took her place.
All together, we have 22 people going.
And we have a tough week ahead. We'll be building an amphitheater, feeding up to 150 kids a meal every day, doing a VBS, giving out 600 backpacks, and probably any number of other odd jobs. We'll have long days and short nights.
And we'll be tested. Not so much by the kids, although that's a possibility, but by ourselves. Most people worry about the dangers out there - the wildlife and safety issues. But I've found that the enemy is far more effective at distracting and destroying God's work when he rides along with us and causes friction between the various personalities that go on the trip. Things can unravel a lot faster when Satan attacks from within.
I hope we'll all keep that in mind as we prepare to leave. The most important tool to pack is Grace, and a lot of it.
We have had our last meeting and are a week out from the trip. Here are a few dates/times to keep in mind before we leave.
Sunday, July 4th - Morning Worship Service - Prayer and send off of team
Friday, July 9th - NO LATER than 7pm @ Buriff's - Load truck (ALL team members should be there to help - we have a 26' truck to load with all of our supplies)
Saturday, July 10 - 5:30 am @ Winton Rd. First Church of God - We leave! Spend the night in Sioux City, IA
Sunday, July 11th - Arrive in Allen, SD
Monday - Friday - Work Projects, VBS,
Saturday, July 17th - Sight Seeing at Custer State Park
Sunday, July 18th - Church at the Pass Creek Church of God, then start home. Spend the night in Des Monies, IA
Monday, July 19th - Arrive back home!
Sunday, July 4th - Morning Worship Service - Prayer and send off of team
Friday, July 9th - NO LATER than 7pm @ Buriff's - Load truck (ALL team members should be there to help - we have a 26' truck to load with all of our supplies)
Saturday, July 10 - 5:30 am @ Winton Rd. First Church of God - We leave! Spend the night in Sioux City, IA
Sunday, July 11th - Arrive in Allen, SD
Monday - Friday - Work Projects, VBS,
Saturday, July 17th - Sight Seeing at Custer State Park
Sunday, July 18th - Church at the Pass Creek Church of God, then start home. Spend the night in Des Monies, IA
Monday, July 19th - Arrive back home!
The Crew
Since January we had some changes in the crew. This is the final list. :) Pray for these folks ... a lot!
Amber Buriff - Team Leader
Fred Howell - Project Manager
Earl Baker
Dennis Whitaker
Cathy Jackson
Charles Jackson
Ericka Buchannan
Bailey Cartwright
Rhonda Greeley
Brian Pitman
Jeff Smith
Chrissie Smith
Bub Whitaker
John Lansdale - Kitchen Manager
Matthew Lansdale
Cheryl Schliesman - Team Leader (Hamilton First Church of God)
Craig Dees
Holly Smith
Beth Ann Curtis
Jim Scovel Jr.
Brenda Sandlin
Dan Van Bargen
Amber Buriff - Team Leader
Fred Howell - Project Manager
Earl Baker
Dennis Whitaker
Cathy Jackson
Charles Jackson
Ericka Buchannan
Bailey Cartwright
Rhonda Greeley
Brian Pitman
Jeff Smith
Chrissie Smith
Bub Whitaker
John Lansdale - Kitchen Manager
Matthew Lansdale
Cheryl Schliesman - Team Leader (Hamilton First Church of God)
Craig Dees
Holly Smith
Beth Ann Curtis
Jim Scovel Jr.
Brenda Sandlin
Dan Van Bargen
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