We hope that next year's work project will be to begin building an amphitheater on the mission grounds. This has been a dream on Barry and Shelly's wish list for a while and Fred really has it on his heart to see it begin next summer. I don't have a good picture of it, but hopefully you were at church yesterday and saw the pics - they are still on display in the narthex. There is a huge "hole" that has eroded into the ground next to the church. It has been there for years and is not only an eyesore but it is also a safety hazard when the kids come to VBS.
BUT ...
it like a lot of things we consider a problem, it has some great possibilities....
One end of the "hole" sits pretty much even with the ground making it a perfect shape for an amphitheater. If we can excavate some of the remaining dirt and rock, pour a cement floor and lay in some rail road ties for seating this "problem" can become a huge asset. It would serve so many purposes .... it could be a GREAT place to have all of the kids gather for music or lessons for VBS. As it stands the sanctuary is really not large enough to hold all of the kids when they are there. It could also be used by the community of Allen for any number of events, thus giving the church there another way to reach out to the community. We hope to build it in such a way that it will last a long time and other things might even be able to be added on to it in the future (think roof, maybe even a new sanctuary someday).
Fred tells me it will take about $4500 to get it started this year. This year we will not be able to get the seating in but we hope to get the excavating done and pour the cement flooring. I think the plan is also to run some electrical line so that electricity will be available out there too.
We are excited about the possibilities for this! I'm adding a thermometer to show how we are doing with the fundraising for the project. Check back here to the blog from time to time to read updates and follow what's going on!
*Thanks to all who bought the card shop goodies yesterday. We made our first $130 from it. The items will still be available as long as they last.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Got Paper?

All items have been donated by friends of Tim and Debbie who own a card shop. All items are brand new. We will have a table in the hallway set up to display the items and a Pine Ridge team member at the table to receive your donation.
All money raised will go toward building the amphitheater on the mission grounds.
(for those not familiar - there is a big hole in the ground next to the church building that has become a safety hazard to the children and if it continues to erode may eventually damage the church building. We have plans to transform it into an amphitheater in order to do away with the safety hazard and also create a place that will safely hold all 150+ children who attend VBS each summer.) This is a much needed project that will probably take 2 years to complete. This year we need to raise $4,500 for the project. )
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Making a List and Checking it Twice

Shelly called and asked if we would help out a family this Christmas by buying gifts for the children. I said, 'Of course!! We'd love to!" And I could hear her grin over the phone when she said, "I have a special family picked out for your church ... wanna know who?" Its Hammer's family!
Hammer and his brother Damian were two of the kids who were sleeping in the car earlier this year. They have since been moved into a small two bedroom house with the rest of their brothers and sisters. These are also the kids who were hungry this summer ... really hungry. I would imagine that there will be no gifts for them this Christmas unless we make that happen. So ... are you up for it? What could be more fun than shopping for kids who really need and appreciate it? I know its what will make my Christmas special.
So here's the list. Please let me know which child you will buy for because I want to make sure each of the kids get something. Hammer will be the most popular because he's just adorable, but there are 6 other kids who need gifts too. Email me at amberburiff@aol.com to let me know which child you are taking care of for Christmas.
Mato - 6 months old
Cecil - 2 years old
Edsel (boy) - 4 years old
Hammer - 6 years old
Boo Boo (girl) - 8 years old
Damian - 9 years old
Dewy - 11 years old
I do not have their sizes but I think kids are kids whether they are "poor" or not and would really want TOYS. Sometimes the "fun" can be just as important or maybe more so than the clothes and such. Its the fun that helps you deal with the rough things in life.
Please bring your WRAPPED gifts WITH the CHILD's NAME on it, along with some money to cover shipping costs to the church no later than Dec. 6th and I will ship them all together.
Non-perisable Christmas goodies are also welcome. These kids don't get enough to eat.
Monday, November 09, 2009
News From the Rez
A few years ago when we were in Allen we met Emily, who was an AU student working as an intern for the summer. Emily has since graduated and is back on the Rez until next Spring/Summer. The good news is, she is blogging from the Rez and you can read it here. Please pay special attention to this post and read about the Woplia she attended. It'll bless and humble you to be sure!
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
'Tis the Season: Get Your Orders Now!
The Holiday Candy/Cookie Sale is ON!
Order Cathy's Famous Buckeyes early to make sure she can fill your order. (She gets really busy making buckeyes this time of year). See Cathy to order. They go for $20/3 Dozen.
Amber Buriff is also selling Homemade Gingersnaps in a gift bag for $8/Dozen
Peanut Butter Fudge for $10/ a pound See Amber to order.
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