Wow, do I ever miss having a cook. It's like most anything else - you just don't know what all is involved until you have to do it. I made 4 trips to GFS and 2 to Walmart. Too bad Jeeps can't hold more.
The meals will not be fancy but I don't think anyone will starve to death.
Grocery shopping for the trip always makes me nervous. I don't like spending other people's money and I worry about making mistakes - especially mistakes that will cost the team money. And I always wonder if I've planned correctly. Do we have enough food? Too much food? Did I budget enough for ice? The questions can go on and on, and then, I have to remind myself of Who I serve. The message Ralph Watts preached "What's the name of your God" comes echoing through the chaos.
Last year I was fortunate enough to spend a week on the reservation during the American Indian Council. That week I had planned to do all the things I wanted to do on the reservation but don't have the time to do when I'm with a group. Soon after arriving it became apparent that was not to be. They needed help. They had a LOT of people that would be arriving and the donated trailers that were to house the people needed to be cleaned (they were really nasty) and food needed to be prepared for the crowd.
Instead of spending the week the way I had hoped, I took my place scrubbing trailers, bathrooms, and then served as one of the cooks and clean-up crew during the council. It was during that week that my faith was increased. Every day I would be given a certain amount of food to serve for a meal and panic would set in. I knew that there was no way that amount of food would feed that many people. But, I did what I was told and prepared it. Every single time there was enough to go around - with some left over. Every day I felt I was witnessing a modern day miracle of Jesus multiplying the loaves and fishes.
Two lessons from that week:
1. Things may not be the way we want them to be.
2. God is in control and knows exactly what He's doing.
This is a faith adventure!
What's the name of your God?