Thursday, October 23, 2008


Backpacks For Pine Ridge will be at the Harvest Moon PowWow in Fairfield Township! Come out and see us!

Nov. 1, 2008
12 noon - 8pm - Grand Entry @ 2pm

Nov. 2, 2008
11am - 4pm - Grand Entry @ noon

Since this is a long couple of days I can really use some help. If you can come out and work the booth for a few hours I would really appreciate it. All that is necessary is to be there to hand out brochures and answer any questions people may have. Shoot me an email if you can help out!

Monday, October 06, 2008

Informational Meeting for the 2009 Trip

There will be an informational meeting for anyone and everyone interested in going on the mission trip to the Pine Ridge Reservation in 2009 on:

Sunday, Oct. 26, 2008
4:00 PM
in the Daily Living SS classroom (last room on the right as you go down the hallway)

Attending this meeting in no way commits you to going on the trip but if you have the slightest interest in going, you really must be at this meeting.